ਜਾਗ-ਸਵੇਰਾ > #2

Chapter 2: In a small hut on the outskirts of the village, Sneha discovered the dark secrets of Prakash, the ruthless landlord. Determined to bring justice, she embarked on a perilous journey to expose his misdeeds.
Hiding behind this stack of papers is the evidence that will unveil Prakash's true face! I must be careful and gather enough to protect the villagers from his tyranny!
Sneha carefully tiptoed through the secret passages of Prakash's mansion, evading his watchful guards and cunning traps.
Oh no! A floorboard just creaked. I must hide quickly!
What was that noise? I sense someone is intruding. Find them immediately!
Sneha ducked into the nearest room and hid behind a set of heavy curtains. Her heart pounded in her chest as footsteps drew closer.
Whisper, whisper
(whispering) They must not see me. I have to stay quiet and wait for the perfect moment to reveal the truth.
Prakash's guards searched the room for any signs of intrusion, oblivious to Sneha's presence.
What are you waiting for? Keep looking! I will not tolerate any breaches of my security!
Suddenly, a vase on the table beside Sneha toppled over, creating a loud crash that echoed through the mansion.
Alert! There is an intruder in the room! Seize them, whoever they are!
(whispering) No, they've found me! I must escape before it's too late!
With a quick thinking, Sneha dashed towards the nearest window, leaping out into the night, narrowly avoiding the clutches of Prakash's guards.
Sneha fell into a bush, her clothes torn and her heart racing. Determined to expose Prakash's misdeeds, she dusted herself off and disappeared into the shadows, ready to take her fight to the next level.