

Grey is a Japanese science fiction manga created by Yoshihisa Tagami. The story is set in a world covered in wastelands, where numbered towns are controlled by computers called 'Little Mamas'. The underprivileged, known as 'People', live in slums and can only become privileged 'Citizens' by joining the army and fighting other towns' forces. The protagonist, Grey, earns the nickname 'Grey Death' for his skills on the battlefield. He goes on a mission to find his field commander and uncovers the truth about the resistance fighters, the different towns, and the secret of the world governing super-computer called 'Big Mama'. The manga has been praised by Harlan Ellison for its hard-edged speculative fiction. It was also adapted into an animated feature film titled Grey: Digital Target, which has been described as poignant and compelling. Despite some flaws, it provides thought-provoking ideas about the world and societies in which we live. In 2022, the album Approach by Lawrence English was inspired by Grey.