ਆਦਰਸ਼ ਆਨੰਦ > #1

The three of them, Huang, Patrick, and Putri, gather around a table with the economic article in front of them.
Huang Jianhua
Alright, let's read this paper together.
Patrick O'Leary
Sure, but I might need some help understanding it.
Don't worry, I can explain it to you, Patrick.
Putri starts reading the paper.
This paper is about the relationship between financial inclusion and the effectiveness of monetary policy in developing countries.
Huang Jianhua
Financial inclusion means giving people access to affordable financial products and services, like bank accounts and ATMs.
Patrick O'Leary
So, if more people have access to financial services, does it make monetary policy more effective?
According to the study, having more ATMs per 100,000 adults has a negative effect on monetary policy, while having more bank accounts per 100,000 adults has a positive impact. But it's not statistically significant.
Huang Jianhua
In simpler terms, having more ATMs might make it harder for monetary policy to control the economy, but more bank accounts can help stabilize prices.
Putri starts thinking.
Hmm... This financial inclusion thing could be a great opportunity to make money!
Huang Jianhua
Putri, be careful. Money is not the only thing that matters. You should consider the impact on society and the risks involved.
Patrick O'Leary
Yeah, Huang is right. We need to be responsible with our actions.
Weeks pass and the scene changes.
Huang, I have this fantastic idea for a business. I want to create a media company that targets people who don't have access to financial services. We can provide them with financial information, tips, and even investment opportunities.
Huang Jianhua
Putri, that sounds interesting, but have you thought about the implications? What if people make wrong investment decisions or get into financial trouble?
Oh, don't worry about that. We'll make money, and that's what matters.
Putri successfully receives a large investment from a media company.
Huang Jianhua
Putri, I really hope you know what you're doing.
Months pass and the scene changes.
Huang, I'm in crisis! Our media company is facing lawsuits, accidents, and contract suspensions. The damage is enormous.
Huang Jianhua
I warned you, Putri. You ignored the risks and now look at the consequences.
Patrick O'Leary
Huang, isn't there something we can do to help her?
Huang Jianhua
I will do what I can to resolve this crisis, but remember, actions have consequences.
Huang reluctantly sets out to resolve the crisis.
Patrick O'Leary
Putri, you should have listened to Huang. He always knows what's best.
Huang Jianhua
Financial inclusion is not just about making money. It's about creating an inclusive and stable economy. This paper shows the importance of considering the impact on society.
The three of them continue their discussion, reflecting on the significance and meaning of the paper.

Title: Financial Inclusion and Monetary Policy: A Study on the Relationship between Financial Inclusion and Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in Developing Countries
Authors: Gautam Kumar Biswas, Faruque Ahamed
View this paper on arXiv