Crescent Moon


Crescent Moon is a shōjo manga written by Haruko Iida and illustrated by Red Company. The story follows Mahiru Shiraishi, a young woman with the power to grant good fortune to others but is unable to benefit from it herself. She starts having recurring dreams of a demon and becomes involved with the Lunar Race, a group of creatures like vampires, werewolves, kitsune, and tengu. Mahiru discovers she is the descendant of a princess and must help the Moonlight Bandits, members of the Lunar Race, recover the Teardrops of the Moon, the source of their power. Along the way, she tries to bridge the gap between humans and the Lunar Race. The main characters include Mahiru, Mitsuru (a tengu with wind and lightning control), Nozomu (a suave vampire with bats as his power), Misoka (a level-headed fox demon with hypnosis and transformations), and Akira (a happy-go-lucky werewolf with super-speed and super-strength). The manga explores themes of friendship, love, and the importance of accepting oneself. Volume 1 was published in 1999 and the series concluded in 2004. The English translation was done by Tokyopop.