Clan of the Nakagamis


Clan of the Nakagamis is a two-volume yaoi manga by Homerun Ken. The story revolves around Haruka Iijima, a high school student, and his teacher, Tokio Nakagami. Despite being 25, Tokio has the body of a 14-year-old boy. Haruka, on the other hand, has the body of a tall and dashing young man. The couple faces challenges in their relationship due to the interference of Tokio's overprotective family, the Nakagimi Clan. The second volume, titled The Devil Cometh, introduces Tokio's cousin, who plans to take over the family business and seduce Tokio. Clan of the Nakagamis is a light-hearted and fresh take on the romantic comedy genre. It explores themes of shotacon and incest in a zany manner. The artwork in the second volume is praised for its depiction of bishōnen characters.